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Update to Policies and Procedures - Real World Adjustments

It's not been two months since I've been open back up to see clients. Unfortunately, COVID is still a part of our reality. We are, however, learning more about how this virus spreads and the precautions that we need to take in order to keep everyone as safe as possible. With that, here is an update to the original policies and procedural changes that were made back in June. As the saying goes, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. New changes have been indicated with an **.

Since COVID is still present and infection rates are unfortunately going up, if you prefer to delay coming in for a session, I have a few virtual options for helping you through this difficult time. Check out my service menu to see what those options are.

General Office Changes:

  • All unnecessary items that don't serve a purpose or are hard to sanitize between sessions were removed from both the treatment room and lobby.

  • Only seating that can be sanitized will remain in the treatment room and the lobby.

  • Water will be given upon request but will be dispensed by the therapist to avoid cross-contamination of the water cooler.

  • No touch hand sanitizer and soap dispensers, cleaning wipes, disposable paper towel dispensers have been added to all of the rooms.

  • Open trashcans have been replaced with lidded foot petal cans.

  • I will have a dry erase board in the lobby, indicating my temperature and any symptoms I may be experiencing despite the cause. ** I am not using a dry erase board, but keeping track of my temperature, symptoms, and contacts on a form in a binder.**

Treatment Room Changes:

  • The room has been completely sanitized before opening, to include but not limited to: Cabinets, laundry hamper, bolsters, the massage table, face cradle, chairs, stool, light fixtures, doorknobs, doors, door frames, and massage lotion containers.

  • The table warmer is now under a water-proof table protector that I will sanitize between each client.

  • I have an additional reusable water-proof protective barrier to use under each clean sheet set, along with a new blanket for each client. ** I am no longer using the additional barrier, it wasn't as waterproof as I expected, and it caused the sheets to slide around too much for comfort and ease of turning over. There is still a fresh set of sheets, and a fresh blanket and the table protector is sanitized between clients.**

  • The laundry hamper is now lined to help contain any germs or viruses.

  • Between each session, the room will be sanitized again, to include but not limited to: Cabinets, bolsters, the massage table, the face cradle, chairs, stool, light fixtured, doorknobs, doors, and door frames, and massage lotion containers.

  • In addition to cleaning the room between sessions, I will be changing my clothes and facemask between clients. I will also be using a set of gloves to dismantle and clean the room, and then a new set of gloves to sanitize and get the room ready for the next client.

Client Requirements:

  • You will need to update your current Health History Form - you will receive this in your email and may complete the update online.

  • Before your appointment, please confirm the following:

  1. That you are currently symptom-free

  2. You have not been in contact with anyone who has symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19 during the past two weeks

  3. You are willing and able to comply with all of the new requirements for your visit.

  • Upon arrival, please text me to let me know you have arrived and wait outside until I open the door for you. **You will not need to text before entry. At this time, clients are spaced apart enough to allow adequate cleaning time and it is rare to have another client leaving the office when you arrive.**

  • I ask that you please remove your shoes immediately upon entering the office. I will be wearing office only shoes that will always remain in the clinic. **While I still have office shoes, it is no longer necessary for you to remove your shoes upon entry.**

  • While you are in the office, you will need to wear a face mask. If you do not have one, I will be able to provide you one to wear. You will need to wear this mask during the massage, to include your time spent facedown. We can modify this to use a side-lying position if you are unable to tolerate being in the mask and the face cradle at the same time.

  • During your time in the office, please limit the number of items and surfaces that you touch.

  • Before entering the treatment room, you will be asked to wash your hands up to the elbow.

  • I will be providing you with a Tupperware container to place your clothing in. Please use this container and do not drape or hang your clothing on the hooks or chair. Purses and bags may be placed on top of this container during your treatment. **You may use any of the surfaces for your clothing, aside from the hooks on the wall, as the wall does not like to be sanitized.**

  • You will be provided with hand sanitizer to use on your hands and feet before getting on the table. It is recommended that you sanitize your feet and then your hands. **You no longer need to sanitize your feet, and if you washed your hands prior to entering the treatment room, you do not need to use the hand sanitizer.**

  • During the session, talking will be limited to only necessary communication since talking while wearing a facemask can cause the mask to not sit properly on the face.

  • After you are dressed, you may use a paper towel found by the door to open the treatment room door. Be sure to dispose of this towel in the trashcan by the door after use.

  • All sessions will be prepaid online. There is an option to pay for your session when you book online. If you are using a gift certificate, be sure to enter that into the system before your session. Memberships are automatically prepaid. If you have any issues with prepayment, please communicate with me via phone, text, or email. I will no longer be taking payments in the office. **You may leave a cash tip if you like.**

Changes to the Treatment Session

  • I will be wearing a mask along with a face shield during the treatment session. **I will only be wearing a face shield if you have a health condition that prevents you from being able to wear a facemask.**

  • Along with washing my hands for 20 seconds with soap and water before each session, I will sanitize my hands and forearms after entering the room.

  • Massage to the face will be limited to areas that can be worked without disturbing the facemask. Before working on the face, I will use a cleansing wipe to remove any oil and then sanitize my hands again.

  • A disposable towel dispenser is located on the counter by the door. Please use a new towel to open the door and then dispose of that towel in the trashcan in the room before exiting.

I hope that these measures will help keep both of us as safe as possible during the session. However, it is currently impossible to be 100% certain that we will not be exposing to each other to COVID-19 or another virus.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or updated recommendations on precautions that we should be taking at this time.


~Carrie Boucher, LMT

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